Emergency Dentistry
Fast, Effective, & Trustworthy Emergency Dental Care
During dental emergencies, it can be hard to make snappy decisions that will prevent additional harm to your smile. That’s why it’s a good idea to have our phone number on-hand. Whenever you experience oral pain, dental trauma, or out-of-the-ordinary symptoms that have you worried, all you need to do is give our team at Anderson Dental a call. As your emergency dentist in Anthem, we’ll work quickly and efficiently to restore your oral health and provide you with the pain-relieving care you need.
How to Handle Common Dental Emergencies
The first step you should always take if you’re in the middle of a dental emergency is to call our office. Our team will provide you with over-the-phone first-aid guidance and make sure that no additional damage comes to your mouth. We’ve also provided some helpful tips below to prepare you for your emergency appointment with your dentist nearby.
Toothaches are signs of infections that are hidden inside your tooth. To ease your pain, you can take an over-the-counter medication, like ibuprofen. To address any swelling, simply place a cold compress on the outside of your mouth for 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off, for up to an hour.
Chipped/Broken Tooth
If you’re able to retrieve the broken-off portion of your tooth, pick it up, rinse it off, and store it in a sealable container to bring to your appointment. You can seal off your tooth and soften any jagged edges using a piece of sugar-free gum or orthodontic wax, reducing sensitivity, and keeping the inside of your cheeks and lips from becoming irritated or damaged.
Knocked-Out Tooth
Time is of the essence, so quickly retrieve your tooth, being sure to only handle it by the biting surface, and submerge it in a sealable container of milk or salt water to keep it viable. Try to reach our office within an hour of your incident for the best results.
Lost Filling/Crown
If you’re able to retrieve your restoration, rinse it off to clear any debris. You can temporarily reattach it on your tooth using a dab of toothpaste or denture adhesive. However, this isn’t a permanent solution, and to prevent an infection from developing, you’ll need to have the restoration professionally repaired or replaced.
How to Prevent Dental Emergencies
While it’s impossible to keep a dental emergency from happening, there are some ways you can drastically reduce your risk of experiencing one. Some of these include:
- Maintaining a nutritious diet.
- Keeping up with your oral hygiene routine at home.
- Protect your teeth from grinding and clenching at night.
- Keep your teeth protected while playing sports.
- Visit your dentist in Anthem every six months for a checkup and cleaning.
- Calculating the Cost of Emergency Visits
Once we’ve diagnosed the underlying issue causing you pain or discomfort, we’ll form a treatment plan that will provide you with long-lasting results and restore your oral health. Before moving forward, we’ll walk you through all of your options, financing, and dental insurance coverage. That way, you feel confident and comfortable in moving forward with treatment.
Meet Your Award Winning Dentist

Dr. Lori Anderson
The Proof is in Our Patients

Contact us and schedule your visit today.
Most Insurances Welcomed and Maximized

Monday | 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM |
Tuesday | 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM |
Wednesday | 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM |
Thursday | 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM |
Friday | By Appointment Only |
Saturday | By Appointment Only |